I have the bestest friends in the whole world! Im so lucky! They are all absolutely amazing and unique in their own way!
**Callie Johnson** She's the one I am most deffinately closest to. Shes amazing! She's always the first person I think of when I have a secret to tell. Or if I ever want to talk about boys, I know she'll always be there for me. She's one of the best listeners you will ever find! I feel like I can be who I really am around her, because she knows me. :D How could I survive without Callie? She's great! thats why we're best friends!
**Natalie Sefilian** We grew up together, and we've always been friends! Ever since first grade, and we've never gotten in a fight! Natalie is so sweet and tough! Shes the whole deal! She has the biggest heart you will ever find, but she also has her tough side. If anyone ever were to mess with me or make me sad, I know she'd be there for me! Our families are even close! Natalie and I will continue being best friends for a lifetime!
**Lucy Clark** Haha this girly is deffinately something! she's absolutely crazy, and I luv her! I always know I can go to her to get a good laugh! Whenever we're together we go completely crazy! Our personalities just work so great together! We laugh about the dumbest things and put up with each others worst moods, and thats what makes us best friends!
**Emily Mcbride** She's one of my most recent best friends, but she is most deffinately considered a best friend in my book! The good time we've had together are countless! Whether we're laughing our heads of in French, or laughing our heads of in science, we always have a blast together! She awesome because she always speaks her mind, and doesn't take any crap from anyone. she's herself, and i luv it! Thats why we're best friends!